School Mentors – Hand in Hand for Strong Schools


The project "School Mentors - Hand in Hand for Strong Schools" started in spring 2014 as part of a development programme institited by the Hamburg Authority for Schools and Vocational Training (BSB) called "23+ STARKE SCHULEN". As of January 2021, the project is in its third funding period. 
The KWB e. V. project team is responsible for training pupils and parents as school mentors and the BSB team trains selected teachers as coordinators whilst monitoring the deployment of mentors in schools.
The project includes blended learning seminars and workshops for the target groups. The project works with participating schools to develop individually tailored course formats for school-relevant topics.

The City of Hamburg launched the project "School Mentors - Hand in Hand for Strong Schools" with funding from the European Social Fund through the Hamburg Ministry of Labour, Health, Social Affairs, Family and Integration, the Ministry of Schools and Vocational Training as well as the Hamburg Ministry of Urban Development and Housing.

Education is the basis for a self-determined, successful life. Educational topics in urban neighbourhoods are also of central importance in the Integrated Urban District Development programme. The project aims to promote educational success and career entry at schools in selected locations through special measures, especially for young people from a migrant background. The project schools are located in socio-economically challenged areas, which are part of the Integrated Urban District Development programme.

The project "School Mentors" supports comprehensive measures aimed at sustainably strengthening schools in difficult situations in order to improve pupils' learning success. Through the project, parents learn to act as school mentors to inform, advise and support other parents in the development of their children's learning biographies and to help ease the transitions from primary to secondary school or from school to university or VET.

At each school, pupils act as mentors to support their peers in taking responsibility for developing a good learning environment at school. They are involved in school responsibilities as advisors and facilitators for pupils and in building bridges between pupils and teachers. Each school also builds a network with out-of-school partners to increase participation in education.

"School Mentors" explained in 2 min

The mentoring project "School Mentors – Hand in Hand for Strong Schools", which KWB e. V. operates together with the Hamburg School Authority, has been operating successfully in Hamburg schools since 2014 and is currently in its third funding period. But what exactly do school mentors do and who are the faces behind the project? Our short video explains it in just less than two minutes. Enjoy the video!



If you are interested in collaborating with the project "School Mentors" or wish to learn more about the project, please do not hesitate to contact the project team via email at We are looking forward to hearing from you!


The project "School Mentors - Hand in Hand for Strong Schools" is funded as part of the Union´s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and by the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg.



Meet the project team

Jörg Belden

Katja Kneifel

Dr. Alexei Medvedev          

Luisa Neumann

Nicole Rochon        

Anna Semenova

Aleksandra Tarsa



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School authority extends cooperation project with KWB e. V.

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